In this course you will learn how to analyze, interpret and visualize your scientific data using Python.

You will also learn good programming practice, version control using GIT, virtual environments, and the PEP8 style guide for Python.

This is a preview for the full Python for Scientists & Engineers course with the introduction and one example lecture.

This is the complete Python for Scientists course combining both the "Python for Scientists & Engineers" course and the "Good programming practice in Python" course (scroll down for the detailed description of both courses).

The Python for Biologists course is the next evolution of the Python for Scientists & Engineers course tailored specifically to Biologists.

Python for Biologists includes the "Good programming practice in Python" course and apart from covering the basics of Python and scientific data analysis, it specifically includes modules like Biopython, HTSeq and Pysam.

The good programming practice in Python course teaches the skills to make programming easier. You will learn to avoid common mistakes and to structure code in a way that improves readablity and understanding.

The advanced plotting specialization course focuses on advanced plotting options in Python. We cover interactive plots and widgets, 3D visualizations, and the integration of plots in LaTeX documents using Overleaf and GIT.

The high performance computing (HPC) specialization course focuses on performance optimization of Python code.

We look into various ways to improve the performance of your Python code and compare the improvements in performance by code optimization to the gains in speed due to newer, more performant hardware.

In this course you will learn how to analyze, interpret and visualize your scientific data using Python.

You will also learn good programming practice, version control using GIT, virtual environments, and the PEP8 style guide for Python.

This is the complete Python for Biologists course combining the "Python for Biologists" course, the "Python for Scientists & Engineers" course and the "Good programming practice in Python" course (scroll up for the detailed description of the courses).